Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 4 - Happy Birthday!!

Happy 4th of July!! The birthday of our country, what a great day!! It does make you proud to live here. Even though I am always complaining about the state of affairs in the country and how it is going to the dogs, I would not want to live anywhere else.

I am a huge "theme" person. Every holiday is represent in my house - fully with tons of decorations. And every holiday since the day they were born, I have dreseds my girls in an outfit to fit the holiday. My friends think I am nuts but I love it - it is so festive. The biggest amount of outfits I have is for Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. All American Flag stuff, dresses, shorts, shirts, matching shoes, headbands, jewelry, you name it. We all were dressed from head to toe in red, white and blue today, even the dog!! Out of all of us, guess who's clothes were made in the USA??  ZOEY!!  Her collar was made in Farmingdale, NY.
Zoey wins today!!

 Sadly, not one article of our own clothing was made here. Latin America one today with most of our clothes from Guatemala and Venezuela. Even my beautiful bag that I was looking so forward to using, had to stay home because it wouldn't cooperate.  I had to resort to a back up bag :(.

This is no ones fault but my own.

I am starting to realize through this whole project, that instead of griping about where stuff is from; I need to find local, made in the USA stuff to replace it with. Now I cannot afford to replace my whole wardrobe and every item in my house, but I can try to make a conscience effort to buy American.  So after this long weekend, next week's posts will be websites and companies that do produce items in America. I'll do my research and let you know.

Happy 4th of July and Happy Birthday America!!


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